8 Common Reasons Why Your Cat Could Start Shaking

8 Common Reasons Why Your Cat Could Start Shaking

Author WCF Staff


Cats are excellent at hiding their feelings and pain, but sometimes, your cat could exhibit some symptoms indicating certain health problems. One of these symptoms is shaking or trembling. There could be various reasons why your cat could start shaking, and while some will indicate only a minor problem, while others can indicate serious health concerns that require quick and proper treatment.

Shaking in cats can occur anytime, and all cats are susceptible to this problem. Because of that, you must always take care of your cat, and if you notice shaking, you must understand the reason behind it to help her. Let's look at 8 most common reasons why your cat could start shaking.

1. Cold weather

The first and most obvious reason why your cat could start shaking is that she is cold. This is especially true if you own an indoor cat that doesn't spend much time outdoors. When the colder weather comes, make sure to protect your cat and provide her with a warm place where she can go if she is feeling cold.

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2. Hypoglycemia

Also known as low blood sugar, hypoglycemia can most commonly be seen in young kittens and cats diagnosed with diabetes. Once they start taking insulin, cats could experience shaking. Your vet will set the best treatment for your cat in this situation. Low blood sugar in cats is a serious problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

cat looking

3. Hypothermia

Normal cats' temperature ranges from 100.5 to 102.5 °F (38-39 °C), and most adult and healthy cats will maintain their temperature. Problems can arise with newborn kittens and cats that suffer from certain health problems. These cats could experience hypothermia – a state where your cat's body temperature will fall below 100.5°F (38°C).

This is a dangerous problem; you will have to provide a heated blanket or heating pad for your cat to get her temperature back to normal.

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4. Hyperthermia

The opposite of hypothermia is hyperthermia – a state where your cat's body temperature rises above 102.5°F (39°C). This is also one serious health concern, and it will, in most cases, happen when your cat is experiencing fever, poisoning, or epilepsy.

Also, certain viruses and infections could cause your cat's body temperature to rise and cause hyperthermia. The best thing you can do is to find the reason behind this to properly treat your cat.

cat laying

5. Pain

If your cat injures herself or feels pain in any way, she can start shaking. At this time, you should check for any wounds or swelling to determine the cause of pain for your cat. Depending on what is causing your cat's pain, the treatment will vary, and while some could only get some painkillers, others may need further medical attention.

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6. Allergies

Shaking is not a common symptom of allergies, but it can certainly happen. If your cat suffers from allergies, she will have many more other symptoms besides shaking, which will help you understand the reason behind shaking.

Your vet will help you determine what is causing your cat's allergic reaction and will set the proper treatment for your cat.

7. Anxiety or Stress

In today's world, more and more animals, including cats, are suffering from stress and anxiety, and if you notice shaking from your cat, she could also be one of them. Cats that suffer from stress or anxiety can exhibit many different symptoms, and shaking is certainly one of them.

Depending on your cat and the stress level, she could constantly shake or only when she feels stressed or anxious. You will have to find a way to help your cat deal with this problem, and if you are unsure how, ask your vet for help.

cat outside

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8. Toxicity

There are a lot of poisonous food, chemicals, and materials that your cat can come near. If your cat ingests any of these poisonous things, she could experience toxicity. One of the symptoms could be shaking, but if your cat is indeed experiencing toxicity, there will be far more dangerous symptoms that your cat can experience.

At this time, your main concern should be getting to the animal clinic as soon as possible to preserve your pet's life.

How to prevent shaking in cats?

The best thing you can do as a cat owner is to provide all your cat needs to lead a happy and healthy life. There will be situations where your cat will experience some health problems, and you will have to address them and properly treat your cat.

If you notice shaking in your cat, you should try and find the reason behind this shaking to give proper care to your cat. If you are unsure what is causing your cat's shaking, we advise you to contact your vet and schedule a meeting.

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When to see a vet?

If your cat started to shake out of the blue and didn't experience this before, you should contact your vet and ask for advice. If your cat is experiencing other symptoms that can indicate that she is suffering from a certain health condition, your vet will most likely advise you to come to the clinic.

At other times, if the shaking is the only symptom, some vets could suggest closely monitoring your cat and watching for any other symptoms. There could be a situation where the cat shaking will disappear fast, and your cat will be all right.

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