7 Things You Need to Know About Your Cat's Ears

7 Things You Need to Know About Your Cat's Ears

Author WCF Staff


We don’t need to tell you just how amazing cats are; we believe cat owners are very well aware of that fact. However, some parts of your cat are simply so interesting that we needed to know more about them. In this case, we are talking about cat ears. Our little hunters have some amazing “superpowers,” and their ears are responsible for some of them. Here are 7 fascinating things you need to know about your cat’s ears.

1. Cats hear better than dogs (and humans)

To be a successful hunter, one has to develop keen senses. One of those senses is hearing. Most cat owners noticed that it’s pretty hard to sneak anything by their cats, and their superb sense of hearing is responsible for that. Cats can hear from 45 - 65.000 Herz! That is more than dogs (67 - 45.000 Hz) and humans (20 - 23.000 Hz). It is no wonder they hear you opening a bag of their food from a mile away.

cat big ears

2. Kittens are born with closed ears

Animals have a wide range of adaptations that can help them come to this world safely. One of those adaptations is being born with a closed ear canal. There is a chance that the cat’s inner ear gets damaged by the sudden exposure to noises. The ear canal will widen and fully open up over the first few weeks of the kitten’s life. The sounds will be softer and softer, and the ear will develop as it should.

3. Balance aid

The basic anatomy of the cat’s ears is similar to other mammals. That means the cat has an inner ear that contains fluids. Those fluids help your cat keep their superior balance. If a cat or human gets an inner ear infection, their balance can be heavily impacted. That fluid allows the cat to have such an amazing balance. Plus, thanks to the inner ear, the cat manages to always land on its feet.

cat ears next to window

4. Ears express feelings

All mammals use their whole bodies to communicate. One of the most expressive features of all cats is their ears. They have a complex structure of 32 muscles in their ears, and they use them to express their feelings. For example, twitching cat ears means your cat is interested in a sound source, but it can also signal the cat is annoyed by something. Flat ears signal fear or anxiety. If you know what to look for, your cat can quickly tell you how they’re feeling.

5. Different temperatures

One of the most interesting things about cat ears is that the temperature of a cat’s ear can indicate different things. For example, a cat’s right ear’s increased temperature means certain hormones are increased. That usually happens when a cat is stressed. The hormone cortisol will get released in their bloodstream, and the cat’s ear temperature will rise. Experienced cat owners check their cat’s ear temperature to check their condition.

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6. Cat ears have a wide range of motion

Different animals in the animal kingdom can move their ears in different directions. In fact, some humans (none of us can do it) can move their ears. However, cats can rotate their ears for a full 180 degrees. That is possible because they have 32 muscles in their ears. That allows them to track a source of different sounds, which helps them detect and track different prey. It is a remarkable ability.

7. They are self-cleaning

One of the best things about the cat’s ears is that they’re self-cleaning. Dogs need to have their ears cleaned regularly, which is mostly the job of their owner or groomer. Cat’s ears are easier to maintain. In fact, cats can have a reaction to ear cleaning solutions. However, you should still regularly check your cat’s ears and see if there’s anything wrong with them. If you notice any redness, discharge, or a bad smell, there is a chance your cat’s ears are infected. You should call your vet and ask for advice.


In conclusion

Cat’s ears are amazing! They can hear a broader range of sounds than humans or even dogs. They use their ears to express feelings and precisely detect a sound source. Their ears come in all shapes and sizes and can determine their looks. Keep your cat’s ears healthy, and your cat will be happier.

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