Can I Share Coconut With My Cat?

Can I Share Coconut With My Cat?

Author WCF Staff


Coconut is a popular tropical fruit that is loveable by the majority of humans popularity. We use it in different food, cakes, and even for making cocktails. If you are a curious cat owner, you have probably wondered: "can cats eat coconut?". We are here to tell you that although coconut is not toxic for cats, there are certain parts that you shouldn't allow your cat to eat. Stay with us and find out all about coconuts and cats.

Can cats eat coconut?

Cats can eat coconut, but you should know a few things. The only part of coconut the cats should eat is coconut meat. If your cat seems to enjoy the taste of coconut, you can offer her a small piece of plain coconut meat from time to time.

First, you must ask your vet for permission to ensure that your cat will not react to coconut. Your vet knows your cat's medical history, and his advice will help you decide if you should feed your cat with coconut.

Coconut is high in fats, and we all know that consuming a lot of this food can lead to many health problems for your cat. If you overfeed your cat with coconut, she could become obese or even end up with hyperlipidemia and pancreatitis. These are serious problems that you don't want your cat to develop.

Because of that, it is important that you follow instructions from your vet and only offer your cat small pieces of coconut if your cat seems to love it.


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Can cats eat coconut water?

Coconut water is a liquid that is found inside a coconut. People find this liquid very tasty and like to consume it. However, this liquid is high in potassium, and consuming a large amount of potassium can cause a lot of health concerns for your cat.

A few licks of coconut water shouldn't harm your cat, but we advise you not to offer coconut water to your cat daily because your cat will for sure develop health issues. The best thing is to stick to plain coconut meat.

Can cats eat coconut oil?

Coconut oil alone shouldn't be given to cats since it can cause gastrointestinal disbursement. However, there are a few ways you can introduce coconut oil to your cat's nutrition. Here are the best two ways to give coconut oil to your cat

  1. Add a few drops of coconut oil to your cat's regular food for extra flavor
  2. When making homemade cat treats, include a small amount of coconut oil for additional benefits

Coconut oil is high in fat and, because of that, poses a real danger if you overfeed your cat with it.


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Can cats eat coconut milk?

Coconut milk is made from coconut meat, soaked in water, and then strained. If you are thinking about sharing coconut milk with your cat, we advise against it. Again, this will not cause toxicity for your cat, but coconut milk is high in fats and oil and can cause additional health concerns for your cat. A lick or two won't harm your cat, but why take a risk?

Other usages of coconut

As you may know, humans use coconut and different coconut products for various purposes, such as caring for hair, skin, etc. The same things could apply to your cat. Coconut oil can be used for softer cat mats and healthy fur. If your cat has irritated skin, coconut oil could help it recover faster since it will offer the moisture your cat's skin needs.

IMPORTANT: You should never use human products on your cat. The human product can contain some other things that can harm cats. Only clean coconut oil can be used for cats.


To spice up your cat's nutrition, you can offer her some plain coconut meat since this is the safest option for cats. Other things, such as coconut milk and water, should be avoided since they could cause different health problems for your cat. Coconut oil should be given to cats only in small amounts, and the best thing you can do is to mix it with cats' regular kibble for extra taste.

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