All You Need to Know About Sharing Honey To Your Cat

All You Need to Know About Sharing Honey To Your Cat

Author WCF Staff


Honey is delicious, natural, and surprisingly healthy all simultaneously. It's one of nature's most delicious and healthful sweets because of its many terrific uses in treating allergies, sore throats, and the overall health of the cardiovascular system. Cats, on the other hand, may reap the benefits of honey. Scientific evidence suggests that cats are unable to taste sweets. Many cat owners often ask us: Can cats eat honey? And this is what we have learned.

Can cats eat honey?

The feline body is very different from the human one in many ways. Meat-based protein is ideal for cats. Cats require fiber, but in much smaller amounts compared to human beings. The nutrients and vitamins they need can only be obtained through the consumption of real meat.

Lactose, fructose, and glucose are among the sugars that their bodies cannot process as efficiently as ours. 

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If most cases, honey will not poison your cat, and according to that, your cat shouldn't have significant problems if they have a few licks of honey. However, most veterinarians and nutritionists will advise you against feeding your cat honey since honey is not the best treat you can give to your cat. Your cat can end up with stomach pain even with a few licks.

Can kittens eat honey?

No! Kittens should never be given honey. Unlike adult cats, kittens' digestive systems are too delicate to process even a few drops of honey without exhibiting any symptoms of illness.

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Does honey make good cat food?

It's not a good idea to feed your cat honey. Cats are deficient in the liver enzyme glucokinase, which is critical for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates affect blood sugar levels, so this is important to know.

Like humans with diabetes, cats may experience significant long-term health problems if their sugar intake increases significantly.

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Why Cats Hate Honey?

Traditional cat food is the only way to meet the nutritional needs of cats, who are obligate carnivores. Honey lacks many essential nutrients that cats need to thrive, such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Honey is high in sugars—fructose and glucose—and has no nutritional value for cats.

What should I expect if my cat consumes honey?

You must be advised that even a small portion of honey can lead to health problems for your cat, depending on many different factors, including cat age, breed, immune system, etc.

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Honey should be avoided by cats, especially cats diagnosed with diabetes, obesity, and kittens. In this tasty treat, they could be in danger from the sugar and calories!

If your cat consumes honey regularly, it can end up with:

  • Obesity
  • Distressed stomach
  • Botulinum
  • Diabetes

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When too many calories are consumed, it can lead to weight gain like any other treat. If you're concerned about your cat's health, several other treats could benefit your cat.

Call your vet

If you notice that your cat has ingested even a small amount of honey, keep an eye on your cat.

Call your veterinarian if your cat is showing any signs of distress. Cats with undiagnosed health issues may be adversely affected by the honey they eat. Small amounts of honey will likely only give your cat a short-term stomach upset, especially if your cat is otherwise healthy.

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Honey is not poisonous to cats, but it is not recommended as cat food. Honey may have some advantages for our cats, but these are outweighed by the disadvantages. Fructose and glucose, abundant in honey, can upset a diabetic cat's stomach and cause a dangerous rise in blood sugar levels. You can always choose better treat alternatives for your cat.

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