500+ of The Best Boy Cat Names

500+ of The Best Boy Cat Names

Author WCF Staff


One of the first things new cat owners will have to do is pick a fitting name for their new furry family member. It sounds easy, but facing nearly unlimited options makes for a tough decision. Luckily, there are a few tips that might help you pick the right name for your new male cat. Here are World Cat Finder’s tips for picking boy cat names.

How to pick the best boy cat name?

When picking a name for your boy cat, there are different things you should consider. For example, your cat’s most dominant feature might be a good inspiration for a name. If you get an orange cat, Rusty might be a fun name to pick. Maybe your cat loves hunting toys, so Hunter might be the right choice. Here are the tips to help you choose a male cat name;

1. Coat color

The first source of inspiration should be your cat’s coat color. Cats come in all sorts of colors and patterns, so you can get creative and choose a name that might highlight the cat’s most dominant trait.

2. Character

The cat’s character is what will define him. If you have a playful, affectionate cat, choose a name that will reflect his dominant character trait. You can go positive or negative. Grumpy or Happy are both viable options.

kitten licking nose

3. Keep it short

Short cat names are usually a better choice. Mind you, not precisely better, but more practical. Your cat will remember a short name faster than a long, complicated one. The cat will quickly learn it, and you’ll achieve your goal faster.

4. Use your favorite things

One of the best things about choosing your cat’s name is that you can choose something from your favorite books, TV series, movies, sports, or whatever you want. For example, we love Harry Potter, so you might not be surprised our cat is named Crookshanks. To keep it short, we call him mostly Crook.

5. Avoid family member names

This tip is something animal lovers should follow regardless of which animal they get. Giving your cat the same name as your family member is a recipe for confusion. Your cat and family member will never know who you’re calling.

Keep in mind that the only thing that limits you is your imagination. Here is an extensive list of possible boy cat names you can choose from.

Boy cat names starting with A

  1. Abraham
  2. Ace
  3. Achilles
  4. Admiral
  5. Ajax
  6. Alex
  7. Alexander
  8. Alibi
  9. Alvin
  10. America
  11. Ames
  12. Andy
  13. Angel
  14. Angus
  15. Apollo
  16. Archie
  17. Arlo
  18. Armani
  19. Armstrong
  20. Arnold
  21. Arthur
  22. Ash
  23. Asher
  24. Ashton
  25. Astro
  26. Atlas
  27. Atticus
  28. Augustus

Boy cat names starting with B

  1. Baby
  2. Bagheera
  3. Bailey
  4. Bam-Bam
  5. Bandit
  6. Barney
  7. Baron
  8. Barry
  9. Batman
  10. Baxter
  11. Bean
  12. Bear
  13. Beau
  14. Ben
  15. Benny
  16. Bentley
  17. Benjamin
  18. Biff
  19. Billy
  20. Binx
  21. Biscuit
  22. Black Bean
  23. Blackie
  24. Blizzard
  25. Blue
  26. Bo
  27. Bob
  28. Bobby
  29. Bonsai
  30. Boo
  31. Booker
  32. Boomer
  33. Boots
  34. Boris
  35. Brady
  36. Bravo
  37. Bronco
  38. Bruce
  39. Bruno
  40. Bubba
  41. Buddy
  42. Buster
  43. Butters
  44. Butterscotch

Boy cat names starting with C

  1. Caesar
  2. Calvin
  3. Cap
  4. Carl
  5. Casey
  6. Cashew
  7. Casper
  8. Cecil
  9. Cedar
  10. Charlie
  11. Chase
  12. Chester
  13. Chip
  14. Chowder
  15. Clay
  16. Cletis
  17. Clyde
  18. Cocoa
  19. Cody
  20. Colby
  21. Cole
  22. Comet
  23. Como
  24. Cookie
  25. Cooper
  26. Cornflake
  27. Cosmo
  28. Cowboy
  29. Crackers
  30. Cucumber
  31. Cuddles
  32. Cupid
  33. Curry
  34. Cyrus

Boy cat names starting with D

  1. Dallas
  2. Danger
  3. Dash
  4. Dax
  5. Daytona
  6. Denim
  7. Denver
  8. Devon
  9. Dewey
  10. Dexter
  11. Diablo
  12. Diego
  13. Diesel
  14. Doc
  15. Domino
  16. Douglas
  17. Duke
  18. Duncan
  19. Dusty
  20. Dylan

Boy cat names starting with E

  1. Earl
  2. East
  3. Echo
  4. Eddie
  5. Edgar
  6. Eeyore
  7. Einstein
  8. Elf
  9. Eli
  10. Elliot
  11. Elmer (Fudd)
  12. Elmo
  13. Elvis
  14. Elwood
  15. Enzo
  16. Ernie
  17. Errol
  18. Escher
  19. Espresso

Boy cat names starting with F

  1. Fandango
  2. Fargo
  3. Felix
  4. Figaro
  5. Finn
  6. Finnegan
  7. Fisher
  8. Fizz
  9. Flash
  10. Fluffy
  11. Flynn
  12. Fonzie
  13. Frank
  14. Frankie
  15. Franklin
  16. Freckles
  17. Fred
  18. Freddie
  19. Frisco
  20. Frodo
  21. Frost
  22. Fudge

Boy cat names starting with G

  1. Gabriel
  2. Gandhi
  3. Gandalf
  4. Garfield
  5. Gary
  6. Gaston
  7. Gatsby
  8. George
  9. Georgie
  10. Ghost
  11. Gizmo
  12. Glitch
  13. Godzilla
  14. Goose
  15. Gromit
  16. Groucho
  17. Gumby
  18. Gus
  19. Guy

Boy cat names starting with H

  1. Hades
  2. Hagrid
  3. Hamilton
  4. Hank
  5. Harley
  6. Harold
  7. Harry
  8. Harvey
  9. Heathcliff
  10. Henry
  11. Hermes
  12. Hobbes
  13. Homer
  14. Horton
  15. Houdini
  16. Howard
  17. Huey
  18. Hunter

Boy cat names starting with I

  1. Ian
  2. Ibis
  3. Ice
  4. Icon
  5. Iggy
  6. Igor
  7. Indiana
  8. Indie
  9. Indigo
  10. Inky
  11. Irving
  12. Isaac
  13. Italics
  14. Itty Bitty
  15. Izzy

Boy cat names starting with J

  1. Jabbock
  2. Jack
  3. Jackson
  4. Jacques
  5. Jake
  6. James
  7. Jasper
  8. Java
  9. Jax
  10. Jazz
  11. Jeeves
  12. Jerry
  13. Jesse
  14. Jester
  15. Jet
  16. Jiggy
  17. Jinx
  18. Jj
  19. Joe
  20. Joey
  21. Johnny
  22. Joker
  23. Jones
  24. Julius
  25. Junior
  26. Jupiter

Boy cat names starting with K

  1. Kalypso
  2. Karl
  3. Kashmir
  4. Kato
  5. Kennedy
  6. Kermit
  7. Kerplunk
  8. Kevin
  9. King
  10. Kirby
  11. Kit
  12. Kitty
  13. Kiwi
  14. Knight
  15. Knute
  16. Kobe
  17. Kodiak
  18. Kool

Boy cat names starting with L

  1. Lane
  2. Larry
  3. Laser
  4. Lenny
  5. Leo
  6. Lester
  7. Licorice
  8. Lincoln
  9. Linus
  10. Livingston
  11. Lobster
  12. Logan
  13. Loki
  14. Louie
  15. Louis
  16. Luca
  17. Lucky
  18. Luigi
  19. Luke

Boy cat names starting with M

  1. Mac
  2. Macaroon
  3. Magic
  4. Magnum
  5. Magnus
  6. Magpie
  7. Malo
  8. Mango
  9. Marcus
  10. Mario
  11. Marley
  12. Marshall
  13. Marvin
  14. Mason
  15. Mater
  16. Maverick
  17. Max
  18. Maximus
  19. Maxwell
  20. Merlin
  21. Mickey
  22. Midnight
  23. Mikey
  24. Miles
  25. Milo
  26. Miso
  27. Mittens
  28. Moby
  29. Mochi
  30. Moe
  31. Mojo
  32. Monkey
  33. Monty
  34. Moo
  35. Moose
  36. Morris
  37. Moses
  38. Mozart
  39. Muffin
  40. Mulder
  41. Murphy

Boy cat names starting with N

  1. Nacho
  2. Napoleon
  3. Nash
  4. Ned
  5. Neko
  6. Nelson
  7. Nemo
  8. Neo
  9. Neptune
  10. Newton
  11. Nicholas
  12. Nick
  13. Nico
  14. Nigel
  15. Niles
  16. Ninja
  17. Noah
  18. Noodles
  19. North
  20. Nugget
  21. Nutmeg

Boy cat names starting with O

  1. Oasis
  2. Oberon
  3. Obi
  4. Octavius
  5. Oden
  6. Oliver
  7. Ollie
  8. Onyx
  9. Opie
  10. Oreo
  11. Orion
  12. Orlando
  13. Oscar
  14. Otis
  15. Otter
  16. Otto
  17. Ozzie

Boy cat names starting with P

  1. Pablo
  2. Palermo
  3. Panko
  4. Panther
  5. Parker
  6. Patches
  7. Patrick
  8. Peanut
  9. Pepe
  10. Pepper
  11. Pepsi
  12. Percy
  13. Pete
  14. Petey
  15. Picasso
  16. Pickles
  17. Pip
  18. Pippin
  19. Pirate
  20. Plucky
  21. Pockets
  22. Poindexter
  23. Popcorn
  24. Porkchop
  25. Prince
  26. Puma
  27. Pumpkin

Boy cat names starting with Q

  1. Q-Tip
  2. Quack
  3. Quaker
  4. Quarantine
  5. Quarter
  6. Quasimodo
  7. Quentin
  8. Questlove
  9. Quimby
  10. Quince
  11. Quincy
  12. Quirk
  13. Quiver
  14. Quixote
  15. Quiz

Boy cat names starting with R

  1. Racer
  2. Racoon
  3. Ralph
  4. Rambo
  5. Rascal
  6. Razor
  7. Reece
  8. Reggie
  9. Remy
  10. Rex
  11. Ricky
  12. Riley
  13. Ringo
  14. Ripley
  15. Robin
  16. Rocco
  17. Rocket
  18. Rocky
  19. Roman
  20. Romeo
  21. Rootbeer
  22. Rory
  23. Roscoe
  24. Rover
  25. Rudy
  26. Rufus
  27. Rusty

Boy cat names starting with S

  1. Salem
  2. Sam
  3. Sammy
  4. Sampson
  5. Scooter
  6. Scotch
  7. Scout
  8. Seamus
  9. Sebastian
  10. Shades
  11. Shadow
  12. Sheldon
  13. Sherlock
  14. Simba
  15. Simon
  16. Smalls
  17. Smokey
  18. Smudge
  19. Snacks
  20. Snicker
  21. Snowball
  22. Socks
  23. Sonny
  24. Soot
  25. South
  26. Sox
  27. Spam
  28. Sparky
  29. Spencer
  30. Spike
  31. Spirit
  32. Spock
  33. Spooky
  34. Sprout
  35. Squeak
  36. Stanley
  37. Steve
  38. Stoney
  39. Storm
  40. Stormy
  41. Sumo
  42. Sunny
  43. Sylvester

Boy cat names starting with T

  1. Tag
  2. Taiwan
  3. Tango
  4. Tater Tot
  5. Taz
  6. Teddy
  7. Terry
  8. Theo
  9. Theodore
  10. Thomas
  11. Thor
  12. Tiger
  13. Tigger
  14. Timmy
  15. Titus
  16. Toasty
  17. Toby
  18. Tom
  19. Tommy
  20. Tonka
  21. Tony
  22. Trapper
  23. Tucker
  24. Turbo
  25. Tyson

Boy cat names starting with U

  1. Uber
  2. Udin
  3. Ukraine
  4. Ulrich
  5. Ultra
  6. Ulysses
  7. Umi
  8. Uncle
  9. Underfoot
  10. Unity
  11. Uno
  12. Upton
  13. Urban
  14. Uris
  15. Utah

Boy cat names starting with V

  1. Vader
  2. Valant
  3. Valarian
  4. Valentino
  5. Vamos
  6. Vancouver
  7. Velcro
  8. Venus
  9. Vermouth
  10. Vespa
  11. Victor
  12. Video
  13. Vinnie
  14. Virgil
  15. Vito

Boy cat names starting with W

  1. Waco
  2. Waddles
  3. Walter
  4. Ward
  5. Warrior
  6. Watts
  7. Wes
  8. Wesley
  9. Whiskey
  10. William
  11. Wilson
  12. Winston
  13. Wolfgang
  14. Woodstock
  15. Wookie
  16. Wyatt

Boy cat names starting with X

  1. X-Ray
  2. Xabat
  3. Xador
  4. Xander
  5. Xavier
  6. Xenon
  7. Xerox
  8. Xerxes
  9. Xirus
  10. Xylo

Boy cat names starting with Y

  1. Yancy
  2. Yang
  3. Yaris
  4. Yearly
  5. Yeti
  6. Yo Yo
  7. Yoda
  8. Yodel
  9. Yogurt
  10. Yolo
  11. York
  12. Yoshi
  13. Yukon

Boy cat names starting with Z

  1. Zabar
  2. Zac
  3. Zachary
  4. Zappo
  5. Zephyr
  6. Zero
  7. Zeus
  8. Zig Zag
  9. Ziggy
  10. Zino
  11. Zippo
  12. Zodiac
  13. Zoltar
  14. Zu Zu
  15. Zukerberg

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