Why Is Not A Good Idea To Share Peaches With Your Cat

Why Is Not A Good Idea To Share Peaches With Your Cat

Author WCF Staff


It's no secret that peaches are one of nature's tastiest delights. Your cats, who are naturally curious, may come over and have a whiff at the peaches you're munching on.

Like us, you undoubtedly enjoy providing your cat with the comforts they enjoy, as long as it's safe to do so. However, are peaches safe for cats to eat?

Peaches are great for your cat if you give them a controlled amount every now and again. There are several things to keep in mind if you plan on giving this tasty gift to your cat. Let's look a little closer.

Are peaches safe for cats?

For cats, peach safety depends on which part of the fruit you're referring to when discussing whether or not they can eat it. Avoid feeding your cat the skin of a peach at all costs. Why? Because it's possible pesticides are smeared all over it.

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The peach's flesh is safe for cats. Only offer your cat a small slice of peach flesh as you would when giving human foods to a pet. The best course of action is to proceed with caution and consult with your veterinarian beforehand.

peach on tree

The peach pit should be kept out of the reach of your feline. Amygdalin, a toxin, makes the pit really dangerous for your pet. You should be extremely careful with it and never ever let your cat grab it.

Are canned peaches safe for cats to eat?

No! Never give canned peaches to your cat, even if they don't contain any pits.

Preservatives and artificial sweeteners are used in the canning process of peaches. Cats' digestive systems can't effectively metabolize sugar, as you may already know.

If you attempt to feed canned peach to your cat, expect stomach upset and diarrhea.

To make matters worse, the sugar component of canned food can cause weight gain and gum disease in cats. Unfortunately, your cat's health will be severely jeopardized due to this.

To keep your cat happy and healthy, you don't need to give it canned peaches. The good news is that cats may not find them as appetizing as you do.

RELATED: Can Cats Eat Apples? Here's How To Safely Feed Apples To Your Cat

How to safely feed peaches to cats?

Peel the peach and give your cat only the flesh, as previously mentioned. Serve only a few little pieces at a time, and be sure to cut them up into manageable chunks.

single peach

Peaches should always be fresh, too. Because of the preservatives and sweets in canned peaches, it is possible that your cat's stomach may be irritated by this food.

Can peaches be bad for cats?

As we already said, the peach's meaty part is safe for cats. However, there are parts you should avoid and make sure your cat never ingests. It is possible that despite your best efforts, your cat eats something potentially toxic for them. If that happens, there is a chance peach poisoning can occur.

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What is peach poisoning?

Peach flesh is not dangerous to cats, but cats do not tolerate it well and may experience stomach issues if they eat it. However, the cyanide in the leaves, stems, and pits (kernels) renders them lethal to cats, other animals, and humans.

Symptoms of peach toxicity might include troubled breathing, dilated pupils, bright red mucous membranes, unconsciousness, and death if peach pieces or peach oil prepared with peach kernels are ingested. Because peach pits might be dangerous for your cat, you should avoid giving them to them at all costs. Consult a veterinarian right away if you suspect your cat has consumed harmful peach tree components.

Peach poisoning symptoms

Cyanide is found in the components of peach trees, which prevents tissues from oxygenating and causes severe toxic symptoms. Toxicity from cyanide in peach bushes or pits can cause the following symptoms:

Gastrointestinal issues

  • Dehydration
  • Appetite loss
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Pain
  • Swollen belly

sliced peach

Nervous system issues

  • Coma
  • Convulsions
  • Poor nervous system functions
  • Dilated pupils

Vital functions issues

  • Tremors
  • Cardiac issues (heart attack)
  • Rosy flush to the mucosal membranes and gums
  • Labored breathing
  • Weakness

What causes it?

Amygdalin, a sugar-cyanide chemical, is found in peach stems, leaves, and seeds. The amygdalin will turn into cyanide with the aid of the cat's digestive system's enzymes. Leaves that are wilting on a peach tree are very poisonous. When peach pits are left lying around the house, they can be broken up and consumed by cats, posing a choking hazard or even a risk of cyanide toxicity.

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Peach pits can also be turned into oils and sold as natural treatments. A severe hazardous reaction can occur if this oil is administered to your cat's skin. Peach pits can represent a danger to your cat if not disposed of properly, so avoid items containing dangerous components.

sliced peach on table

How is it treated?

Due to the danger of obstruction from peach pit fragments, vomiting may not be an option if the consumption was recent. Supportive therapy is the most common treatment option for cats who ingest hazardous peach parts.

To treat respiratory distress and dehydration, your veterinarian will administer oxygen therapy, intravenous fluids, and drugs that may be beneficial in treating poisoning. It is possible to alleviate symptoms of peach poisoning in cats with drugs such as hydroxylamine hydrochloride, dimethylaminophenol, and amyl nitrite.

The prognosis for peach toxicity in cats

Unfortunately, the prognosis for a cat suffering from peach toxicity is gloomy due to the extreme toxicity of the toxic chemicals. This form of poisoning can also lead to significant side effects from the treatments used to treat it.

Damage to the organs may be irreversible. It's likely that your cat will require continuing dietary adjustments and medical care to correct organ damage caused by peach poisoning.

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