When it comes to ideal cats for families with kids, the Ragdoll should be a fairly strong candidate. These striking blue-eyed cats are mild-mannered, intelligent, and absolutely gorgeous. They have strikingly beautiful coats, and like all cats, they love grooming themselves, so you don’t have to do too much to keep their coats healthy and beautiful. Here is the most important information all future Ragdoll owners have to know about these cats.

17–21 in

10-20 lb

Riverside, California

Life Expectancy:
12-17 years
Breed History
Many purebred cats have unknown histories, and their origin is unknown. On the other hand, Ragdoll’s history is very well documented. It is not the oldest cat breed, and its history goes back to the 1960s Riverside, California, and a cat breeder by the name of Ann Baker.
Baker had a white domestic longhaired cat called Josephine, which produced several litters sired by Burmese or Birman cat. One of them had color like a Siamese. Josephine produced several litters of mild-tempered, friendly kittens that tend to go limb after they’re picked up. Baker thought she created something unique and carefully bred her cats to develop what we now know as the Ragdoll breed. She even started her own registry called the International Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA), trademarked the name Ragdoll, and started something previously unheard of in the breeding circles.
Cat Breed Characteristics
Ragdoll is now an internationally registered breed in all major cat registries and associations, which means it has a strict standard in place that describes all the necessary characteristics Ragdolls should have. However, the standard can be challenging to read, and if you’re not an insider, you won’t get too much out of it. Here are the most essential characteristics you should know about these cats.
The Ragdoll breed has a medium-long silky coat that has a fine texture. Unlike many other cats, the Ragdoll doesn’t have a dense undercoat, which means less shedding and easier grooming. These cats develop quite a bit of ruff around their neck, and their coat becomes denser as it reaches the cat’s tail.
Coat color
Another unique feature that makes these cats so attractive and wonderful is their striking coat colors and color combinations. According to Ragdoll’s standard, these cats can come in four patterns - mitted, van, bi-color, and colorpoint - up to six colors seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, and cream. The points can be solid, lynx, tortie, or torbie, which adds many possibilities when it comes to colors and patterns.
A vital characteristic all future Ragdoll owners need to know is the cat’s size. Ragdoll is considered one of the largest cat breeds, so prospective owners should be prepared to share their home with a pretty large cat. Ragdoll should reach a weight of 10 - 20 lbs and a length of 17 - 21 in without the tail.
There is nothing more important than the character of the future pet you are interested in. It doesn’t matter what type of pet you are getting; you need to make sure you will be compatible. For example, if you have kids, you don’t want t cat that is utterly intolerable to children. Luckily, Ragdolls are nothing like that.
This cat is often described as docile. However, that doesn’t mean it is not active. Ragdolls love to play and be involved in family activities. They often follow their people around the home and love jumping into laps and cuddling. One of their most interesting temperament traits is that these cats simply collapse into the arms of people they love and trust. They are not that vocal and prefer to climb less than other cats.
No matter what type of cat you have at home, pureblooded or mixed breed, they can develop specific health issues. In fact, some cat breeds are prone to specific health issues, which means their owners need to keep an eye on them. Some of the health issues that can affect Ragdolls are;
- Calcium oxalate bladder stones
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - An inherited heart disease
- Feline infectious peritonitis - Infectious viral disease caused by feline coronavirus
World Cat Finder Team
Updated at20.12.2021.