German Longhair
The German Longhair cat breed is extremely rare. This is actually unfair because these lovely cats enjoy human company and are simple to care for. The breed originated in Germany, as the name suggests. Its long, gleaming fur and harmonious physique are their most distinguishing characteristics. Here's everything you need to know about the German Longhair breed.


6 - 13 lb


Life Expectancy:
12 - 15 years
Breed History
Only two cat breeds originated in Germany: the German Rex and the German Longhair.
Previously, breeding longhair cats was primarily a hobby of wealthy Europeans because cats with long fur were very expensive.
Even at the end of the nineteenth century, all longhair cats had the same head and body shape as normal domestic cats. They were distinguished from their short-haired counterparts primarily by their long fur. Then came the Persian cat with its flat face, and the original longhair cat was on the verge of extinction in Europe.
Friedrich Schwangart, a zoologist, wanted to resurrect the old longhair type in the 1930s. The feline expert suggested the name "German Longhair" to distinguish it from the Persian. However, the Second World War put a halt to breeding. Breeding of the original longhair cats was not resumed until the early 2000s. The World Cat Federation officially recognized the German Longhair in 2012.
Cat Breed Characteristics
At first glance, the German Longhair resembles the Siberian cat due to its thick fur and muscular stature. It is, however, more closely related to Persian. The following are the breed's most dominant characteristics.
This breed's fur is typically medium to long in length. It has a silky sheen to it. During the winter, the undercoat thickens significantly. Many have a crest on the back as well.
Like the Siberian or Maine Coon, the German Longhair has a ruff made of longer fur. The tail is bushy, and there are hairs between the pads on the paws. The hairs on the back legs are also longer, almost resembling knickerbockers.
Coat color
Like many other cat breeds, the German Longhair has a standard that allows for all coat colors. This is not unusual, as many cat breeds come in nearly every coat color available in the feline kingdom.
These cats are very sociable and calm. In fact, unlike other cats that are self-sufficient, this cat requires constant attention. This makes them ideal for children who enjoy playing.
Because of their sociable nature, they are also ideal for living with other pets or farm animals. They don't mind living in a large house or a small apartment. They're content just to be with their family. They have a very balanced personality and are rarely stressed.
German Longhair breeders have always prioritized healthy parent animals and a high level of genetic diversity. This has resulted in a very robust and healthy breed. According to current knowledge, there are no known diseases specific to the breed.
Of course, a German Longhair can contract common cat diseases or become infected with parasites. As a result, make sure your cat has all of the necessary vaccinations and visits the vet once a year for a health check.
World Cat Finder Team
Updated at07.10.2022.